Friday, May 6, 2011

Welcome to Ink Book Reviews from the KAJA!

Hey! As you know, this is our new blog. What this blog is about is enjoying and reading books, with the hope that people will write reviews about them;after the blog posts get popular enough authors will start to notice them and we have hopes that they will send FREE books. The more and more people participate, we will take your name from a drawing and you can win some of the free books we receive. Now, about ourselves. KAJA stands for Kaylin, Anqi, Jada, and Abby; we are the creators of the blog. Each of us have different personalities and have a huge passion for reading and writing. As well as a place to write book reviews we will be friends for advice and more. Thank you so much for your participation!
Hi Guys!
          Welcome to our (the KAJA's) new blog! My name's Anqi, the one who enjoys reading fantasy, historical fiction, sci-fi, and paranormal stuff. At home, I love playing my violin, listening to Taylor Swift, writing never-to-be-finished novels, and reading (of course!) And then, if there's no free time, that's because I'm doing my homework (the teacher's just pile it up on us until our brain cells burn out or we collapse from the effort). My friends Abby, Jada, and Kaylin are all really cool too. Abby is an excellent student with a really cheerful outlook on things, Jada is also really great with a positive attitude-she's the one who makes us all laugh with her crazy stories and sarcastic wit, and Kaylin is the girl who makes everybody smile and shine with her creativity and originality. So, hopefully you know a little bit more about me and my friends-and I hope you love the book reviews we'll send you! 
(Remember to peek back to this post to hear more fun stuff from our other creators!) 


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